Flags of Kazakhstan

Authonomous Kirghiz Socialist Soviet Republic (inside RSFSR) was proclaimed on 26, August, 1920. The state consisted from Semipalatinsk, Akmola, Turgay, Uralsk "oblasts" and parts of Orenburg and Astrakhan "gubernias" of former Russian Empire. The Constitution of new state was adopted in 1924. According the Constitution the flag of KASSR was red with inscriptions. Red is a traditional colour of communists. The colour symbolized blood of martirs for liberty of proletaries of all countries.

In 1925 the state was renamed to Kazakh Authonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. In 1936 the state became Kazakh Socialist Soviet Republic. Constitution of 1937 adopted the flag of KSSR - red with golden hanner and sickle in canton and name of republic, In first time the inscription was in latin characters. Later the text became cyrillic.

flag of KSSR

Last soviet flag of Kazakh SSR was adopted with Decree of Presidium of Supreme Soviet on 23, January, 1953. The flag consisted of three stripes: red, light-blue (2/9 of the width) and red (1/9 of the width) Golden hammer and sickle and the red star with golden border were situated in canton. Ratio was 2:1

flag of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kazahstan got the independence on 16, December, 1991. The Law on State Flag of Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted and signed by President Nazarbaev on 4, June, 1992. The flag is sky-blue with golden sun with 32 rays and flying eagle in the centre. The stripe of national ornament is situated near the hoist. Ratio is 2:1 Author of the flag is an artist Shaken Niyazbekov. The sky-blue symbolizes a peaceful sky of Kazakhstan, the sun symbolizes a reachness. Decree of President Nazarbaev from 24, January, 1996 confirmed the State Flag.

naval ensign

Navy ensign, jack, pennants and rank flags for navy were adopted with presidential Decree from 18, July, 1996. Navy ensign consists of two horizonthal stripes: white and blue. A golden sun with 32 rays and flying eagle are in the centre. An anchor and red star are situated in canton. Author of navy-flags is famous byelorussian vexillologist A.Basov.

customs flag

Customs flag of Kazakhstan consists of two horizonthal stripes: light-blue and green with the emblem in the centre. Emblem looks like octagon in a circle with inscriptions "CUSTOMS" in kazakh language and in english (!).

Standard of President of Kazakhstan was adopted with Decree #2736 on 29, December, 1995. The Standard is blue The "young leader of tribe of Saki, ancestors of modern kazakhs" who sitting on wild cat is depicted in gold in the centre of standard.

flag of Almaty

Towns of Kazakhstan may have flags. The flag of Almaty, capital of the republic, is white with thin red borders along top and bottom. The city coat of arms are placed in the centre.

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